The You Filter

Let’s say I give you a line or two – just the seed of a story – and I ask three of you to come up with something. Hell, let’s not just suppose it, here’s something to work with: “Yes, Time-Travel isn’t something you’d normally find on an expense report, but hear me out.” You’re …

Do the Thing

For those of you who may not know me, I love me a good list. I write them almost daily (I tend to take the weekends off). One day, recently, the thought came to me to ask myself the following question: “What is one thing that you can do today to bring you closer to …

Post Convention Recovery

This time last week, I was at Balticon and it would have been the penultimate day of the con, and my busiest of the weekend. I may have been a bit ambitious about my schedule. Or, now that I’m thinking about it, maybe it was that I thought that I could just jump back into …