Friday Night Lightshow (5/10)

Sometimes, you get ahead of the game. Like say you’ve got a pre-drafted entry for a particular Sunday Blog post. It’s just about ready to go, then something happens which completely overshadows what you’ve got and you just have to talk about this other thing. Well that’s what happened this past Friday. I was able …


If you’ve bene following this blog (Thanks!) for, really, any length of time, you’ll know that I love me a good list. I love making lists. Lists of things to do, lists of bands, lists of books, lists, lists, lists. Part of the reason for that is due to the fact that I need things …

And Some Days Just get Away from You

It’s rainy and, for a day where I’d planned to do a whole bunch of nothing, I didn’t get any of it done. By way of apology, please have a picture of the world’s longest scarf.

Short and Sweet

Happy Sunday, Everyone! Going to be a short post this week, but no less important for the length. Why is that, you say? Because it’s a beautiful day outside and I owe it to myself to get out there in it. And that’s an important part to remember while you’re in the middle of grinding. …

The Anatomy of a Covid Swab

Note: Your mileage with this may vary. Your mileage may vary personally, and geographically. Different places may have different setups. This morning, barely an hour ago in fact, I had my very first Covid Swab test. Apparently this is now standard pre-surgical procedure. Never having had one – but hearing about them quite a bit …

You Do You

I’m kind of a Big Deal. Ok, actually, I’m probably the exact opposite of “Big Deal” but if you swing around my neck of the woods and ask about the guy with the really red hair who walks the back roads out here, a surprising number of folks will know who you’re talking about. Well, …


The day got away from me and left me with *very* few spoons. Still I wanted to get something up today. This is one of the roads I hit on my walks. You can see how it brought out the Winter Festiveness as it goes off into the distance. Not a bad thing, to be …

Looking Forward

Hi there everyone, Before I get going, I would like to draw your attention to the first of a two-part series where my friend, Natania Barron stopped by to answer a few questions and to support her new book, “Queen of None.” Pop that link open in a new tab and give it a look …