More Time

Yesterday was pretty busy. Ok, Saturdays usually are. It’s the day I can start to get caught up on all the stuff that I’d like to do, but which get slid over onto the back burner in favor of the demands of the Day-to-Day. It could have been busier still because, for a while there, …

The You Filter

Let’s say I give you a line or two – just the seed of a story – and I ask three of you to come up with something. Hell, let’s not just suppose it, here’s something to work with: “Yes, Time-Travel isn’t something you’d normally find on an expense report, but hear me out.” You’re …

Do the Thing

For those of you who may not know me, I love me a good list. I write them almost daily (I tend to take the weekends off). One day, recently, the thought came to me to ask myself the following question: “What is one thing that you can do today to bring you closer to …

Post Convention Recovery

This time last week, I was at Balticon and it would have been the penultimate day of the con, and my busiest of the weekend. I may have been a bit ambitious about my schedule. Or, now that I’m thinking about it, maybe it was that I thought that I could just jump back into …