A Taste of Sun

Sidebar: This is not a post about Kate Elliott’s wonderful Sun Chronicles series, though you should definitely put it in your eyes or ears – you won’t be disappointed. Yesterday was the first day in just over two weeks or so that I actually saw the Sun. Here in my neck of the woods, we’d …

Change. Your Mind.

Welcome to the first post of October! It’s Spooky Season up here in my neck of the woods – though it doesn’t feel like it at the minute with it being Sunny and Seventy degrees out there. I’m not complaining, mind. The trees are starting to turn, leaves are starting to fall, Autumn is here …

Breaking it Down

Last week, particularly toward the tail-end of last week, I suffered an Eating the Elephant moment. I had so much to do, with varying deadlines and I wasn’t getting any of it done. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to do it – in fact, I did want to do it – I just couldn’t …

Every Week

If you’re a follower of this blog, you might have an inkling of what this post is going to be about from the title – and you’d be wrong this time. Oh, it’s true enough that, more often than not, I fail to get any of these posts composed ahead of time. This week was …

One More Thing…

Let me just do this one last thing, then I can… If you’re anything like me, you have either said–or more likely thought–the above line, followed by words like “Rest” or “Do that thing I really enjoy.” Not just this month, or even this week, but sometime within the last 24 hours. We’re all busy …

What a Mess

I can’t even remember what it was that I was originally going to post about this week. The events of the past few days have driven it from my head, and filled that space near to bursting. I don’t have the spoons for anything more than that. Thanks for reading. Be safe out there. Be Excellent …