Different Voices

If you’ve been following the blog for a while (and if you’ve been following the blog for a while – thanks!) you’ll know that, with every new project I try to include something new. Something I’ve never done before. This last book, I worked in a bit of romance and found that I enjoyed that. …

Five Thing Thursday: February 20th.

Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and… Here are Five Things I want you to Know: Thing #1: So far, I haven’t heard anything from the Three Things I’m waiting to hear back from. Sometimes the waiting in the hardest part. Thing #2: To keep myself distracted, I’m continuing work on Queen’s …

Love is in the Airlock

So… Maybe this post should have gone live two days ago, but I don’t post on Fridays anymore. More importantly – and hear me out on this – maybe it’s appropriate regardless of what day it is. I think that personal relationships, including – and perhaps especially – romantic relationships are not only good for …

Small Steps to Writing

I have a confession to make: Lately, I’ve been struggling with a couple of scenes, and it’s taken me longer than I would have liked to get through them. Further confession: I’m still not completely through one of them. The first scene took just over a week before I reached the point where I didn’t …

Jump Starting

There will come a time where you sit down to do “The Thing” and nothing comes. You may be experiencing something like that right now. Well, maybe not right, right now because you’re reading this, but you now what I mean. You’re all set to do what it is you do and…nothing doing. I’ve experienced …

The 2020 Sticker Experiment

This year, I set off to try something new. Well, something new for me anyway. Here’s a picture to show the results of the first month: To clear things up, every day that I get some kind of writing – and by that, I am not including Blogging, Tweeting, etc. – done, that earns me …