The Only Way Out is Through

It’s been a long week. And it’s only Thursday. I’ve been having a hard time sleeping, lately. A big part of it is allergies. Summer is knocking heads with fall and I’m seeing temperature fluctuations as large as 30 degrees between morning and nightfall. That sort of stuff plays hell with my sinuses. Add to …

Something Old. Something New

As some of you may know, I’m working on polishing up a novel with my agent. Before I had gotten to this point, there had always been the, seemingly eternal, question: What do I work on, when I’m not working on THE BOOK? Do I start writing book 2? Do I start working on something different? …

It Shines More

Let me take you back in time. The year is somewhere around 1986. I’m in High School and having a rough time of it. Aside from my loose bundle of friends, I often found solace and escape in books and comics. About this time, I saw “My Favorite Year” for the first time. To this …

Keep Doing It

It’s been an interesting month. I’m using that word in the context of four weeks having gone by, and I’m going to call what’s been going on “New Author Jitters” though I expect that the “New” part is going to be a misnomer on my part. Let me set the stage for you: Earlier this …

The More Things Change

So… I don’t think it’s an overstatement to say that the world changed for me recently. In a way, it also stayed the same, although I wish it hadn’t. A couple of weeks ago, I saw Wonder Woman for the first time. Yes, I know, I’m horribly behind on keeping up with movies and television. …

Time Management

This was going to be a post about Time Management… So, naturally, it’s the post that’s a day late. Clearly, I am not a Jedi yet. But that doesn’t mean I’ve got nothing to say on the topic. I got a heck of a lot of stuff done this past weekend, so I’ve got to …

What a Difference a Year Makes

I wasn’t sure what I was going to write about today. There were a couple of ideas cooking, but, then, I saw Wonder Woman over the weekend (Which was awesome! You should go see it!) and, then, just this morning, I saw the announcement that Jodie Whittaker had been cast as the 13th Doctor. Both …

Every Time

C’mon, say something. Just get started and, eventually, something will come. Then you can build on that. Don’t stop. Quit glancing out the window. That’s not what you’re here for. You only do this once a week. There are people out there that do this sort of thing every day. That’s it. It’s starting to …