(Re)Focused Work

I’ve often said that this blog is as much for me as it is for you. And there are times when I need to give myself reminders of things I’ve already said. That’s what this post is about. I sat down to draft this post – under the title: “Focused Work.” It was going to …

Worth the Cost

It’s called Activation Energy. This is the energy it costs to start a reaction. Looking at it from a wider perspective, it’s the energy you spend to get anything going. Unsurprisingly, this cost isn’t static. One day, an activity might take a small amount of energy to get going. Another day, it might take much …

Stepping Back to See Forward

At the beginning of the year, I made a change to the daily “To-Do” list. I started dividing it into two sections which I called: “Important and Urgent” and “Important but not Urgent.” This change has had some benefits, which I’d hoped for. It keeps me on track better than simply brain dumping onto the …

A Taste of Sun

Sidebar: This is not a post about Kate Elliott’s wonderful Sun Chronicles series, though you should definitely put it in your eyes or ears – you won’t be disappointed. Yesterday was the first day in just over two weeks or so that I actually saw the Sun. Here in my neck of the woods, we’d …