Friday Fess-Up: April 6th

Happy Friday, Everyone! Welcome to the inaugural Friday Fess-Up for April. Um…Ironically, there isn’t much for me to fess up to.  If you’ll recall from last week, I was going to do math. Ok, so it wasn’t gratuitous math. I mathed for a purpose. I was going to break down a long term goal into …

Long-Term and Short-Term

Before I get into anything today, I’d like to say a HUUUUUUGE congrats to the fine folk that are up for a Hugo Award this year. You can find the entire list of nominees here. You should go do yourself a favor and pick yourself up a heaping helping of awesome from that list of …

Perfect is the Enemy of Good

Happy Sunday folks! I’m afraid that this is going to be one of those “Do what I suggest, and pay no attention to what I’m actually doing” kinds of posts. First, let me explain what I mean by the title of this post. Perfect is the enemy of good when the pursuit of perfection gets …

Friday Fess-Up: March 23rd

Welcome, folks, to the penultimate Friday Fess-Up post for March. One more of these and we’ll be in “April Showers” territory. Now I can’t say I’m a big fan of the mud that’s coming, but it’ll be a bit of a relief to get the heck off the freeze-thaw cycle we’re on, and will continue …

Be Honest with Yourself

Welcome to Sunday everyone! I hope you all had (and will continue to have) an awesome weekend. Before I get into the meat of today’s post, let me show you something related to it:               (Image courtesy of the NatWest Six nations Website) First off: Well played Scotland, Wales, …

Pay it Forward

Happy Sunday, folks! This is probably going to be a shorter post than usual, because I, somehow, lost an hour this weekend. I’m looking for it, but those things are so squirrely, I figure that it won’t turn up again for another six months. Anyway, what I want to talk about this week is the …

The First Draft is for You

Self-doubt is a thing. It’ll creep up on you from any number of dark paths and try and convince you that the thing that you’re working on will never work. That it won’t ever sell. That you’re not qualified to write it, or – even better – that you are unjustifiably arrogant in thinking that …