
Before I get down into today’s post, I wanted to mention that I’ve got a Links page! Yes, There probably should have been one a long time ago.  What can I say:         (Still learning…)   I wasn’t sure what I wanted to write about today. Some weeks, the topics come easy. Other …

Writing and Music Part 2

When I wrote my first post about writing and music (which you can find here) I thought I had said all that I had to say on the subject. Yeah, right. Simply thinking that I was done should have let me know there was more coming, sometime. Two posts on a topic don’t constitute the …

Just Don’t

I don’t have much to say today which may be a good thing. I woke up this morning to find three different stories coming at me from three different places depicting different kinds of ass-hattery and they all had one thing in common. They all revolved around some guy not liking what some woman did. …

Writing and Music

What do I know about music? The short answer is:  Not a hell of a lot. I know that there are 4 beats to a bar, and I know some chords as related to the guitar and that’s about it. That’s just the nuts and bolts stuff. A conversation about composition gets me in over …

How a Short Story is Born a.k.a: The Price of Power – What the Heck Happened?

Three days ago was the deadline for submitting my story to Faith Hunter’s* Rogue Mage anthology. I’m happy to say that I got it in ahead of schedule and under the maximum word count. But there were days where I had my doubts. So I thought I’d take an honest look back and try and …

Status Update on the Work in Progress- Countdown: Day 2

Current Project: A short story for an anthology set in Faith Hunter’s Rogue Mage world. Title: The Price of Power Due Date: April 1st Upper Word Count limit: 8000 Words Final Word Count: 7,597 Words Tonight, I sent my story off to the editor. 2 days ahead of schedule!!! BOOYAH!! *Drops Mic and walks offstage …