Five-Thing Thursday: June 17th.

Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and… Here are Five Things I want you to Know: Thing #1:  Recently, I’ve discovered a new band to pay attention to: Seven Kingdoms Thing #2:  Additionally, in Music, it has been less than 24 hours since I’ve discovered BabyMetal. You Tube them. I’ve been alternating …

The Hardest Part

It’s been nearly three weeks since my surgery. I’ve been completely off any kind of pain meds – even the over the counter stuff for about a week to 10 days. You’d think I’d be focused on the positives, the incremental steps in the right direction – and I am. Except when I’m not. Physically, …

Are You Listening?

If you’ve been reading the blog recently – and if you have, thanks! You’ll have seen on Thursday that I was in the hospital quite recently. When this post goes live, I will have been home for three days now. That’s three days of rediscovering the edges of what I’m able to do and what …

The Anatomy of a Covid Swab

Note: Your mileage with this may vary. Your mileage may vary personally, and geographically. Different places may have different setups. This morning, barely an hour ago in fact, I had my very first Covid Swab test. Apparently this is now standard pre-surgical procedure. Never having had one – but hearing about them quite a bit …