It Happens

I confess that today got away from me. I did get a good chunk of writing done, then I spent *A LOT* of time outside with chores, etc. Next thing I know, it’s after 6:00 Pm. Time to shower, feed the dogs, and find some time to unwind. Not to mention dinner, etc. But what …

A Game of Inches

I’m going to end this week by telling you a story, because – you know – that’s what I do. Last weekend, I got a Fitbit. A Fitbit Inspire HR to be exact, which wouldn’t even have been on my radar, if not for John Scalzi mentioning his. I got it for a number of …

Focused Work

With as much as I’ve got on my plate these days, I’m always looking for ways to get more done, quicker, etc. Sometimes, under certain circumstances, I am tempted down dark paths. I’m talking about Multitasking. You know what I’m talking about: You do a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and …


So you’ve all heard that saying that goes: “The only thing that is constant in life, is change.” For my part, I believe this is a good thing, although it isn’t without cost. Again, for my part, I find that the price often comes in the form of comfort. Something changes and, suddenly, things aren’t …


I used to type these posts up on the fly. Well, when I say “Used to,” what I mean is that I’m still doing it, but I think that I need to change up what I’m doing. The problem is that doing it this way takes up a bit more time that I have now-a-days. …

Do Your Job

Happy Sunday Everyone! I hope you’re enjoying the weekend. I know that some of you are participating in NaNoWriMo (For those of you that don’t know: That stands for National Novel Writing Month), and some of you aren’t. And that’s ok, this post is for you too. And, among those of you that are participating, …