Plans Within Plans

I need a plan. I suspect that you probably need one too. For the longest time, I’d been so focused on writing stories that – to my embarrassment – I’d neglected to do any long-term thinking about what comes next. To date, the majority of my goals concerning my authorial career can be summed up …

Getting Myself Off my Back

This is going to be a short one today. I’m just coming off the emotional roller-coaster of Wales beating France to move forward into the 2019 World Cup Semi-Finals – BY ONE POINT!!! And they only did manage to take the lead within the final six or so minutes of the match. That was a …

Out of Control?

I don’t mind telling you that this past week has been harder to keep a hold of than a fistful of water. My writing productivity had slagged, and there were a couple of days where I didn’t get up to write in the morning, and I wasn’t in the headspace , or had the time …

A Gift to Myself: Part 4.

Earlier in the week, I had what I’m going to call a mild anxiety attack. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that reads this blog, that I’ve got a lot on my plate at any given moment. My typical approach to this is to focus on just one thing – usually the one …

A Gift to Myself: Part 3.

I mentioned last week that, for my birthday, I was giving myself the gift of Time. Seeing’s how I’m typing this up on Sunday morning, it’s taking me a bit of time to get some traction on that score. And that’s ok. This whole thing is a work in progress. I didn’t expect to have …

Priorities and Priorities

So… Yeah… This post is a bit late. Well, better late than never, right? But why is the post late, you ask? And, if you’re asking, thank you for sticking it out today. This weekend I had set myself a deadline for finishing this revision pass on JADE MOON WANING. Then, as it often does, …

Look Around…

This past week was rough. I came back from Balticon, to an immense work load at the day job, that I’m still struggling with. It, along with other factors, combined into a kind of awful, mental stew that bubbled and churned. I lost sleep. When I did sleep, anxiety dreams struck. I was a wreck …