
Every character has a past. When you set out to tell a story, you’re starting at a particular moment in your character’s lives, but what about everything that went on before? It’s been said that the sum total of our pasts comes together to make us who we are today and the same thing goes …

Find What Colors

I did a lot of work yesterday. Purely physical stuff, cleaning out stalls, mowing, etc. and this morning I’m still coasting on the mental high. During the later part of last evening, I started to examine why it was I felt so good about doing all that work. I’ll get to that in a moment, …


I’ve never done this before, but this year has been full of all kinds of firsts, so why not try something new, right? For the first time, I’m working on two projects at the same time. For those of you who know me, this is going to come as a bit of a surprise. For …


One of the great joys of writing is doing research on a project. If you spend any time at all around writers, eventually you’ll hear the topic of conversation swing briefly to research. Most of the time this comes in the form of strange subjects or how someone’s search history has probably landed them on …

Leaving it All on the Floor

Before I begin, I would like to draw your attention to the following video of one of Tom Holland’s performances on Lip Sync Battle. No, seriously. This isn’t me trying to Rick-Roll you here. I really want you to check out this video. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Did you SEE that??? Out of everything I’ve …

Five-Thing Thursday: August 20th.

Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and… Here are Five Things I want you to Know: Thing #1: Amaranthe released a new single from their upcoming album “Manifest.” The track is titled “Strong” and I’m really digging it. Check it out here. Thing #2: Sometimes you’ve just got to take a day …