Five-Thing Thursday: July 11th

Welcome to another installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: Choose your pain, what you’re willing to struggle, and sweat, and, grind to be good at. Thing #2: I find it interesting to hear international sports commentary spoken in the native language. Thing #3: It’s important to …

Start with a Good Burger

This week I’d like to talk about a trend I’ve noticed. Burgers are getting taller. Maybe you’ve noticed this as well. You order a burger and when it arrives, it’s…just tall to the point where you’ve got to squash it to get a decent bite. Why am I talking about this, you might ask? Well, …

Five-Thing Thursday: July 4th

Welcome to another installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: I’ve missed a couple of Sunday blog posts. It’s not that I need to be more organized, it’s more that I need to conserve my energy. lately, Sunday rolls around and I’ve simply got nothing left in …

Five-Thing Thursday: June 20th.

Welcome to another installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: There is a Ned Flanders (Yes, that Ned Flanders) inspired Metalcore band called Okiliy Dokilly. Here’s a link. You’re welcome. Thing #2: It’s been so humid, and the air outside has been so thick, that you could …

Pouring from an Empty Cup

You can’t do it. Thanks for reading, I’ll see you on– *Record scraaaatch* Ok, maybe I could put a finer point on it than that. To do that however, I’m going to ask you, Reader, to take a closer look at a socially negative concept and consider changing your mind about it. Ready for the …

Five-Thing Thursday: June 6th.

Welcome to another installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: You are *Absolutely* worthy of grace, forgiveness (especially from yourself), and Comfort/rest. Thing #2: My Doggo snores sometimes when she sleeps and hearing it makes me sleepy. Thing #3: Sometimes it takes a few listens for an …