Six Month Review – July 2022

I turned 52 this week! You’ve probably read it before on the Blog, here that it’s not the age that matters (It’s the mileage, right?). Typically, what’ll happen is that I’ll get really introspective around this time along with the time around the end of the year. The way it shakes out, I’ve got a …

Five-Thing Thursday: July 14th

Welcome, everyone to another Installment of Five Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: Last Weekend, the Welsh Men’s Rugby team beat South Africa in South Africa for the very first time. Thing #2: It should be mentioned that the Welsh Woman’s team beat the South Africans back …

Easing into it

Life has been pretty heavy this past week and some change. So much so, that I’d had to pull back into complete self-care mode. I’d missed a couple of post here – which is pretty rare, and I hadn’t been doing much in the way of writing. This made the part of me that demands …

What a Mess

I can’t even remember what it was that I was originally going to post about this week. The events of the past few days have driven it from my head, and filled that space near to bursting. I don’t have the spoons for anything more than that. Thanks for reading. Be safe out there. Be Excellent …

The Pace of Life

I have Achilles tendinitis. This is of course my amateur opinion, but I’ve had it before and this is exactly what it feels like, so I’m backing myself on this call. I know I’ve said this before, but one of the things that the Universe apparently needs to remind me of, on occasion, is that …

What am I Doing with My Time?

As is so often the case, a single thought will kick off an entire blog post. I asked myself the above question some few days ago just before shutting down Twitter. Not quite in disgust, but distaste. I was just scrolling, doing nothing and generally feeling more and more “Eww” as I went along. That …