My Nose is Kicking My…

Seriously bad allergy day today and it feels like my brain is oozing out through my sinuses along with things better left unmentioned. So that’s all for today. By way of apology, have a picture of the world’s largest knitted scarf: See you on Thursday.

To Do Journal

Happy Sunday Everyone! OK it is starting to become apparent that if I don’t actively keep up on what is going on from day-to-day, I will quickly lose track of time to the point where even remembering the day take more effort than it used to. I get that things aren’t exactly back to normal …

Consistency is key

Happy Sunday Everyone! I hope you and yours are all safe and well. Quick post (and a late post, I confess) today since I’m caught up in the throes of Virtual Balticon. Of the various panels and the myriad topics being discussed today, all of the ones that I’ve been on (or attended) so far …

Five Thing Thursday: May 21st.

Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and… Here are Five Things I want you to Know: Thing #1: Virtual Balticon 54 Begins Tomorrow and runs through Monday the 25th. The Virtual convention is free to attend. Check out the Events page for my schedule. I’ll see you “there”. Thing #2: This year …