It Happens

I confess that today got away from me. I did get a good chunk of writing done, then I spent *A LOT* of time outside with chores, etc. Next thing I know, it’s after 6:00 Pm. Time to shower, feed the dogs, and find some time to unwind. Not to mention dinner, etc. But what …

Five Thing Thursday: April 18th.

Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and… Here are Five Things I want you to Know: Thing #1: Internal shorthand is great. If you’re using it to describe something to someone who has little familiarity with what you’re talking about…Not so much. Thing #2: Earlier (I can’t remember when) I promised myself …

A Game of Inches

I’m going to end this week by telling you a story, because – you know – that’s what I do. Last weekend, I got a Fitbit. A Fitbit Inspire HR to be exact, which wouldn’t even have been on my radar, if not for John Scalzi mentioning his. I got it for a number of …

I Need You

I’m going to finish off this week with some words of encouragement. That thing you do? I need it. That thing that only you can do, whether it’s a game, or a piece of music, or a photo, or a painting, sculpture, a story, whatever it is, that thing that only you can create. I …

Five Thing Thursday: April 4th.

Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and… Here are Five Things I want you to Know: Thing #1: In case you missed it, SyFy Fangirrls finished off Women’s History Month with Milicent Patrick: The Woman who designed The Creature from the Black Lagoon. They cited work from my friend Mallory O’Meara‘s book: …

A New (for me) Take on Editing

Because writing is a craft where (if you’re lucky) you’ll never stop learning, it should come as no surprise to you to hear that I’ve discovered that my style of editing is changing. There are some parts that haven’t changed. I still print the whole thing out, and I still read it out loud. That’s …