Quick Catch Up

Catching up This is going to be a brief post this week (assuming that it happens this week). The internet has been wonky and the “To-Do” list today has been looming, but I totally handled it. Like. A. Boss. Really. So, what have I been up to?  Let me break it down for you. Chasing …

Sometimes I Forget

Passwords. Where I put my keys. Where I left my phone. Where I parked the car. What I went into a room for. That I’m alone when I’m speaking out loud. Song lyrics. That there’s bacon in the oven.* That I’ve still got coffee in my cup…and it’s gotten cold. To get up and move …

Crutch Words

Today, I want to talk about something called “Crutch Words”. If you’d asked me about what those were prior to my Whirlwind* tour of conventions and writer’s retreats, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you.  I’d have had a good guess, maybe, but that’s about all it would have been. A Crutch Word is …


Before I get into this week’s post, I wanted to drop in a quick update about what’s coming up and where I’m going to be. May 27th through May 30th Balticon 50 I don’t have a schedule yet for the panels I’ll be on but, when I find out, I’ll post them here. I do …