Special Guest: Jay Requard!!

Happy Sunday, Everyone. This week, I’ve got the great pleasure to host my friend, Jay Requard! Jay has a new book coming out! It’s called Atenia. Have a look at this cover: To help celebrate the launch of Atenia, Jay stopped by the Blog to share an excerpt. Buckle up, and I’ll let Jay take …

Five-Thing Thursday: April 20th.

Welcome to another Installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: You just never know. Not until you take that first step. Thing #2: Furious Heaven, the Sequel to Kate Elliott’s Unconquerable Sun is available now! It arrived yesterday, and I have never wanted to plow through the …

Every Week

If you’re a follower of this blog, you might have an inkling of what this post is going to be about from the title – and you’d be wrong this time. Oh, it’s true enough that, more often than not, I fail to get any of these posts composed ahead of time. This week was …

Five-Thing Thursday: April 13th.

Welcome to another Installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: All of the planning and scheduling cleverness in the ‘verse won’t help you if, when the time comes to hit “Publish” on a post you’ve composed ahead of time, you don’t actually hit “Publish”. Thing #2: The Voicehacks …

Eating Elephants*

I struggle with eating elephants sometimes. It’s not due to any kind of elephant shortage. During any given day, or any given week, I’ve got several elephants on my plate. Some are recurring elephants – like this and other Blog posts. Other elephants are of the One-and-Done variety. Some elephants are quite large, and some …

Just Beneath the Surface

Your mileage may vary, but if your area is anything like it is in my neck of the woods, walking across your front lawn, this time last week, felt and sounded like you were walking across a large piece of toast. Crunch, crunch, crunch. This morning, though, there was significantly less crunch. Everywhere I looked, …

Know Your Why

Why did you do that? Why am I doing this? Why? Why? Why? It’s the most introspective of the “W’s” and, to my mind, one that gets the most overlooked. Why? Because. Be honest. I’ll bet it didn’t take any effort to jump between those two lines. You might even have seen that “Because” coming …

Today is Yours

What do you want to do today? If I’d really been on my planning game, I’d have had this post done ahead of time and scheduled to go live at Midnight, so you’d have the entire 24 hours. Instead, here we are, nearly half-way through the day. But that’s ok. I’ve not been idle – …