Special Guest Post: Natania Barron’s “Queen of None” (Part 1)

This week, I’ve got the great pleasure to host my friend, Natania Barron in support of her newest book: “Queen of None” Have a look at this cover: To help celebrate the launch of “Queen of None,” Natania stopped by to answer a few questions. She actually filled out my *Entire* list of questions, giving …

Five-Thing Thursday: December 3rd.

Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and… Here are Five Things I want you to Know: Thing #1:   There is a word to describe those words you’ve been mispronouncing for probably your whole life because you’ve only ever read them. That word is: “Misle” Pronounced “Missile” Sidebar: In my case, I’ve recently …

Faster Than Light

Once more we’re flying fast as light. Dark Matter passing in the night…-Unleash the Archers “Faster than light” Faster than light travel has been a staple of Science Fiction for a long time. And for good reason. As an idea, the concept of Faster than Light (FTL) travel is pretty awesome. It can be dramatic. …

Five Thing Thursday: November 26th.

Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and… *Epic Record Scratch* Wait, what day is it? Ok. Well then… We (I) interrupt your regularly scheduled Five-Thing Thursday to bring you… Five-Thing Thursday: The Thanksgiving Edition!!! Here are Five Things that I am Thankful for: Thing #1: I am Thankful for My Family and …

Say It

Last night, there was some discussion on Twitter about the upcoming holiday and staying safe in the face of the pandemic and I tweeted that I selfishly wanted to see all of my internet friends on the tail end of the holidays and that I loved them all. I saw that post this morning. The …

Four Days In

I have a confession to make. I have not been writing very much this past month or so. Sure I’d get some work done, but it was difficult. Even as I approached a cool scene that I was *Really* looking forward to, when the time came, I just…couldn’t. And I felt bad about that. Spoiler …

A Day for…

This was not the post I had originally scheduled for today. I try and compose these ahead of time and – for the most part – that works in my favor. I had Today’s post written and scheduled before the election had been called. What a difference most of a day makes. There may still …

Five Thing Thursday: November 5th.

Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and… Here are Five Things I want you to Know: Thing #1: In the same way that “Easy” isn’t the same as “Simple,” “Hard” isn’t the same thing as “Difficult.” Thing #2:  Related to last week’s post: While the sudden appearance of a spider is unsettling, …