
The day got away from me and left me with *very* few spoons. Still I wanted to get something up today. This is one of the roads I hit on my walks. You can see how it brought out the Winter Festiveness as it goes off into the distance. Not a bad thing, to be …

The Journey and the Destination

For those of you that don’t know me, I have a thing about roads. They are one of my jams. Give me an empty road stretching off into the distance, or vanishing around a curve – the lonelier and more secluded the better – and I’ll be happy to watch/walk down it. Since I’m talking …

Special Guest Post: Natania Barron’s “Queen of None” (Part 2)

This week, I’ve got the great pleasure to bring to you the Second Part of my Interview with my friend, Natania Barron in support of her newest book: “Queen of None” Have a look at this cover: To help celebrate the launch of “Queen of None,” Natania stopped by to answer a few questions. She …

Five-Thing Thursday: December 10th

Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and… Here are Five Things I want you to Know: Thing #1:  Update on the Daily Walking Track – It’s stalled due to Achilles Tendonitis. Not fun Thing #2:  The Second Part of Natania Barron’s “Queen of None” book release interview will be going live on …

Looking Forward

Hi there everyone, Before I get going, I would like to draw your attention to the first of a two-part series where my friend, Natania Barron stopped by to answer a few questions and to support her new book, “Queen of None.” Pop that link open in a new tab and give it a look …

Special Guest Post: Natania Barron’s “Queen of None” (Part 1)

This week, I’ve got the great pleasure to host my friend, Natania Barron in support of her newest book: “Queen of None” Have a look at this cover: To help celebrate the launch of “Queen of None,” Natania stopped by to answer a few questions. She actually filled out my *Entire* list of questions, giving …

Five-Thing Thursday: December 3rd.

Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and… Here are Five Things I want you to Know: Thing #1:   There is a word to describe those words you’ve been mispronouncing for probably your whole life because you’ve only ever read them. That word is: “Misle” Pronounced “Missile” Sidebar: In my case, I’ve recently …