Changing Things Up

Happy Sunday, Everyone! Hope you’re enjoying the weekend! I know I’ve talked about not limiting yourself, or setting parameters on your writing. By that I mean not putting constraints on yourself such as: “I can only write in the mornings – or at night.” “I can only write in this coffee shop – or in …

Friday Fess-Up: August 17th

Welcome, Everyone to the Third Friday Fess-Up for August. We Made it!! There isn’t much to Fess-Up to this week. I’ve been productive all week, though not always on the laptop. There were a few days where I’d had to write long-hand in the time I had, but progress is progress, right? I do have …

Five Thing Thursday: August 16th

Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: Disaster: “Dis” (Latin) In this case I’d choose the meaning, “Do the opposite of.” (Typically Unexpected) “Aster” (From the Latin “Astrum” Meaning Star) An unexpected, Ill-starred event. Could arguably be defined as “Star-Crossed.” Makes …

Enjoy the Ride

Happy Sunday, Everyone. I hope you’re enjoying the weekend. I wanted to take a bit of time this week to offer some encouragement. We’re all engaged in some kind of struggle, and I know that there can be days, weeks, and months where it seems like there’s nothing going on but the struggle. I know …

Know When to Adjust

Happy Sunday, Everyone! It might be that you’ll remember that, a little while back, I was posting about putting what mattered first. Sleep was going to be my baseline, I was going to shape my schedule in order to get the important stuff done around the stuff that I couldn’t avoid. That night, I was …