Get Out There

Balticon is in eleven days!!! The schedule is more or less final, so here’s where I’m going to be: Sunday May 28, 2017 9:00 AM – Rituals for Creativity. 11:00 AM – What Diversity Is Good For 2:00 PM – Filing off the Serial Numbers: Good or Bad 5:00 PM – Worldbuilding in SF vs. …

You Don’t and You Do

You don’t: Need anyone to give you permission to write. Need listen when someone says, “Genre X” is dead. Need to do things “Just so” to be able to call yourself a writer. Need to Outline.* Need to discovery write. Need to listen when someone tells you, “You can’t do that.” Need to continue to …

There is no Wrong Way to Write

Sometimes, when I’m writing, I feel like all I’m doing is just banging my head against my desk, trying to jar something loose. I don’t feel like I’m doing anything at all. That, of course, makes me feel like I’m wasting my writing time. Which, of course, results in more, frenzied head-bashing. Sometimes, it’s difficult …

Days When Nothing Comes

I started this blog back in 2015.* I did it for a couple of reasons, not the least of which was that I thought having a blog would be kinda cool.** I’d also heard that if you were doing any kind of creative thing you would eventually want people to pick up and consume like …

Take Chances

Happy Sunday Y’All! This is going to be a quick one today because my “To-Do” list is pretty damned long and I am bound and determined to not spend the *entire* day working. So here goes… Take chances. In your writing. Write what you’ve never written before. Take that one thing (or pick one, if …

Putting together an “Elevator Pitch”

Elevator Pitch. If you’re any kind of serious about getting traditionally published, or if you listen to writing podcasts, or if you hang out with writers or writing communities, you’ve heard about the “Elevator pitch”. It’s almost unavoidable. But, if you’ve somehow managed to avoid hearing about the elevator pitch* let me wrap a definition …

Blogging this week

This week I’m blogging at The Million Words website. Come check it out, You’ll be glad you did! You can find it Here