Get Back Up

Without getting into details, it’s been a long couple of weeks here. I’m not going to say that it hasn’t had its rays of sunlight as well (Captain Marvel – again!!), but there have been some knocks. It’s been harder to get up and get to writing. I’m still doing it, but I wasn’t working …

Focused Work

With as much as I’ve got on my plate these days, I’m always looking for ways to get more done, quicker, etc. Sometimes, under certain circumstances, I am tempted down dark paths. I’m talking about Multitasking. You know what I’m talking about: You do a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and …


So you’ve all heard that saying that goes: “The only thing that is constant in life, is change.” For my part, I believe this is a good thing, although it isn’t without cost. Again, for my part, I find that the price often comes in the form of comfort. Something changes and, suddenly, things aren’t …

Two Questions With (The Romance Edition)…Recap

The Two Questions With… Blog tour is winding down. You will still be able to catch up, or read them from beginning to end on this blog here, and on the blogs of the other writers. *Every Monday in February we, a small, romantic, group of writers, will tour each other’s blogs and answer questions …

For the Fans?

If you know me, you know that I tend to distance myself from any kind of news. Life is hard enough as it is. I don’t need to know about the latest outrage, or just how brightly the trash fire of American society is burning. It’s a self-defense mechanism. So for something to “ping” on …