Five-Thing Thursday: January 11th.

Welcome to another installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1:  Every day is a new opportunity to plan something new. If you haven’t finished, or started, your 2024 plans, you can start right now. Thing #2: If procrastination was a superpower, I’d get so much done…later. …

Rigidity and Fluidity

Here we are: One week in to 2024. I hope it’s been a good one for you. Like many of you, I got up on that first day with a plan (more or less). I intended to start exploring, and making progress on the things I’d talked about Last Week. I was going to get …

Looking Ahead

Welcome to the final post of 2023. For the past week, I’ve been reflecting on 2023 and looking ahead to 2024. Like most years, 2023 had its share of ups and downs but, on the whole, there were more ups than downs. While I can’t say I’m done looking forward yet, I have got the …

Getting an Early Start

I’m composing this earlier in the week, though that’s not why I chose the title that I did. When this goes live, it will be Sunday, December 17th, and I am looking at time off until the turn of the year. This was planned – in fact, even necessary. If you don’t use it, you …

Five-Thing Thursday: December 14th.

Welcome to another Installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: Sometimes, going through the discography of a band that you’ve fallen out of touch with, musically, can bring some really delightful surprises. And, sometimes, you remember why said band fell out of the rotation. Thing #2: Be …

Picking up the Pace

December isn’t quite like other months, is it? It feels like there is a whole bunch of “Hurry up” going on, especially after Thanksgiving. It seems like I’ve only just made the last cold turkey sandwich and scarfed down the last of the mashed potatoes and here it is, almost halfway through December. Adding to …