Five-Thing Thursday: June 1st

Welcome to another Installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: I just got back from my first in-person convention in a number of years. My Peopling muscles have weakened a bit in the intervening time. Thing #2: Never discount the importance of community. Thing #3: Have you ever been …

Five-Thing Thursday: May 25th.

Welcome to another Installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: Like I mentioned Last Sunday, I’ll be headed to Balticon for the Weekend. I’m pretty excited about it. Hope to see you there. Thing #2: Great things are built one step at a time. Take that first one. …

Balticon 2023

In just under a week, I’ll be at Balticon 2023. This will be my first In-Person con for a number of years, and I’m pretty excited about it. It’ll be good to see my people again. I hope to see you there. Here’s my panel schedule for the weekend. Fri 5:30 PM – Pirates in …

Five-Thing Thursday: May 18th.

Welcome to another Installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: Finally, it’s starting to feel like it’s May. Thing #2: Flowering trees are blooming. If you can, walk past a few. You’ll be glad you did. Thing #3: Don’t forget the sunscreen!! Thing #4: What’s playing on the Mental …

Breaking it Down

Last week, particularly toward the tail-end of last week, I suffered an Eating the Elephant moment. I had so much to do, with varying deadlines and I wasn’t getting any of it done. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to do it – in fact, I did want to do it – I just couldn’t …

Shiny New Things

Let me clear a thing or two up from the get go. This isn’t an announcement post – though it does remind me that I’ve got some some things coming up that’ll require me to update the site and do some other admin things. Which is a perfect segue to the actual post. I’ve been …

Five-Thing Thursday: April 27th.

Welcome to another Installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: There are days when I simply take procrastination to another level as an artform. Thing #2: SNOW??? Thing #3: Rest days are an important part of an exercise plan – Sometimes it’s hard for me to accept that. Thing …