Friday Fess-Up: June 8th

Happy Friday Everyone!! We made it through another week, and what a week it’s been. After quite a bit of scrambling this past week, I think I’m finally on top of my allergies. I confess that it’s been rough. I’m taking two different antihistamines concurrently. One is a 24 hour variety, which contains portions of …


Before I get into today’s post, I’ve got an announcement, and a teaser. First, the Announcement: The Chasing the Light anthology is now live. Myself, and the rest of my Writers group – collectively known as “The Roaring Writers,” along with some top-notch writers like Faith Hunter, David B. Coe, and John G. Hartness all …

Looking into the Future

Well, a little bit anyway. I’m typing this up on a Wednesday night. The bags are packed (more or less), and I’m winding down for the night. Thursday will see me off to the airport for what I hope will be an awesome weekend at Balticon 52 As this post will be going up on …

Friday Fess-Up: May 25th – The Balticon Edition

Happy Friday Everyone! We made it. Well, I confess to bailing on this week early to head on over to Balticon 52 Here’s where I’m going to be Today: 5:00 pm: When to Tell Instead of Show – Room 9029 “While writers are told to “show, not tell,” there are times where showing is insufficient. …

Inspired by Greatness

Last night, I sat down and watched* the live-stream of the 2018 Nebula awards like it was a sporting event. Ok, maybe not – exactly – like a sporting event. My wife was in the room and she already thinks I’m a little bit loopy, so I held it together. Until they got to “Best Novel” …

Friday Fess-Up: May 18th

Happy Friday Y’All!  We made it! Welcome to the Penultimate Friday Fess-Up for May. I look back on the year and wonder how the hell we’re nearly halfway through 2018 already. I confess that it’s been kind of a slow week for words.  Not such a slow week for story, but definitely a slow week …

A Change in Perspective

Happy Sunday Y’All! Before I get into the meat of today’s post, I have the following to report: The Balticon Schedule is now live! Check out the Events page to find out where I’m going to be, and when I’m going to be there. If you happen to be in the Baltimore area on the …

Friday Fess-Up: May 11th

Happy Friday Y’All! We made it! Before I get into the meat of today’s post, I want to say one thing: GO LEINSTER RUGBY!! This weekend, Leinster face Racing 92 in the European Champions Cup Finals and I confess to being pretty bothered that this isn’t something that I can watch as it happens*. I mean, …