Circling the Wagons

One of the unexpected benefits to keeping a – more or less – weekly blog is that, if you go looking, you can spot trends and patterns in life, the universe, and everything. Looking back over the past few weeks, every Sunday post I’ve tagged with “Challenges” and “Life,” and I hadn’t noticed that until this …

Friday Fess-Up: February 16th

Happy Friday Folks! Short post today because I’m about spent, mentally. I’m sure I’ll get into more detail on Sunday. Time for some self-care this weekend.   And sleep. Definitely sleep.   If you’re reading this, Congratulations: You made it through too!   Be sure to check back Sunday. Be Safe, Y’all

Digging Out

This is what it looks like from my desk this morning.         What you can’t see is the layer of ice coating the top of all that white-stuff. What you can see is the top of, what seems now, like a foolishly long driveway that I am going to have to force …

Friday Fess-Up: February 9th

I’m getting this down early, because I’m not sure what the internet status is going to be like in the next couple of days.  I’m looking at a pretty decent snow storm today and over the course of the weekend. Total of 9 inches when it’s all said and done. So here’s what I’m Fessing …

Slow Going

I like to think I’m a patient person. I mean sure, that’s a sliding scale for all of us to some extent, and there have been days when I’ve been as steady as a brick wall and other days…well…maybe not so much. But on the whole, the mental picture I have of myself in this …

Site Update – Excerpts

This weekend, I got a call from the “Better Late, than Never” department. The conversation went something like this: BLTN: Is there any reason why you don’t have excerpts from your stories posted on your website? ME: What? BLTN(very patiently): Excerpts. Your stories. On your website. ME: Why, that’s a fine idea. Not sure why …

Friday Fess-Up: January 26th

Hi there, everyone! Welcome to another Friday Fess-Up post. It’s been a long week. I can’t really say why, but that first, post-con week just seems to drag ass. Probably because the weekend previous was full of great people, great conversations, and abject geekery. As an aside, if you were there and said Hi, or …