Home Again-Home Again

This is going to be a quick update, because I just got back from a weekend in Kentucky ending with a really long car ride. So let me say a few things before I get to decompressing: First: Kentucky – I had a great time. It was kind of a Micro-writing retreat, because Saturday was …

The World Wants Brains

The original title of this post was going to be “The World Wants Your Head.” I read that in an article and it stuck with me. If I can find the article, I’ll put a link to it at the bottom of the post*. The article talked about how the world constantly demands your attention. …

Quiet Day

So I’m sitting here looking out the window while I type this. Ok, that’s not entirely true. I can’t not look at the keyboard when I’m typing. I’m not that good of a typist. It’s the middle of October, unseasonably warm, grey, and windy as hell. The hummingbird feeder is turning a slow circle – …

Otherworldly Folk

Hi All! For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working on the world building for a new project. The new shiny is a space opera and I’ve been having fun creating a couple of different alien species, and that’s what I want to talk about this week. Now I didn’t call this post “ALIENS!!!” …