Five Thing Thursday: July 12th

Hello Everyone! Welcome to another installment of Five Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things I want you to know! Thing #1: My agent-sibling, Karen Osborne, recently signed a TWO-BOOK DEAL with TOR!!! I couldn’t be happier for her. Do yourself a favor and check her work out. Thing #2: The Webcomic Strong Female Protagonist is going …

Friday Fess-Up: July 6th

Happy Friday Y’All! We made it! Welcome to the First Friday Fess-Up for the month of July. I hope you had (or are still having) a great Holiday. I confess that having a holiday drop in the middle of the week really messes with my head. In this case, Tuesday felt like Friday. Wednesday felt …

Five Thing Thursday: July 5th. The Return of the Podcasts…

Welcome to Thursday, Everyone! If you recall, I mentioned last Thursday something to the effect that if you subscribed to one podcast, and didn’t pay attention, you’d end up subscribed to 9 or 10. That’s not so far from the truth. So, in the spirit of collecting podcasts to listen to, here are Five More Things …

Staying Organized

Happy Sunday Everyone! Now there may be those of you out there that are questioning the wisdom of posting about staying organized on a day where this post is going live a solid five hours later than (and this is an average) usual. This is actually the perfect time to post something like this, because …

Friday Fess-Up: June 29th

Welcome, Everyone to the final Friday Fess-Up post for June. We made it!! Before I get into the meat of today’s Fess-Up post, I’d like to mention that the “Two Questions With…” blog tour is winding down. Next Monday I’ll be posting a collection of all of my questions and answers from the Tour into …