Some Days

I’ve said before on the blog that I tend to not plan out these weekly posts. Some days, it would be easier if I did plan them out, but there’s something about sitting down and riffing on a topic. Until no topic presents itself. Normally, earlier on in the week, I’ll have some sort of …

Friday Fess-Up: December 8th

Happy (Finally) Friday Y’All!!! So here’s what I’ve been up to this week: If you’ve been following from last week, I hopped into Nephele Tempest’s December writing challenge.  The Challenge is to write every day in December. Yes, even those days. No word count involved. Write. Even if it’s only one word. Write. Every. Day. Note that …

Things That I am Thankful For

Yes, I realize that this post should have happened earlier, but this is my blog and I can schedule stuff when I want. Besides, this weekend was pretty dark out there in the ‘verse and, it might be a good time to focus on the good stuff for a spell. So, in no particular order, …

Blog Stop: Faith Hunter’s “Flame in the Dark” blog tour

Hey, everybody! This week I’m pleased and proud to be hosting one of the stops on Faith Hunter’s Flame in the Dark blog tour! To catch up on the other stops on the tour, you can visit the tour page. On this leg of the tour, Faith has stopped by with an excerpt from “Flame in the …

Friday Fess-Up: November 24th

What I did: Ate what was probably a criminal amount of turkey. And Mashed Potatoes And Pie…enough pie to make Dean Winchester suggest that, maybe I ought to ease up a bit. There may have been an adult beverage or two. And some cold turkey, right on the cusp of midnight, as one does… What …

Winter is Coming

And, no, that isn’t meant to be a Song of Ice and Fire reference. I meant that literally. As I’m sitting at my desk, writing this, I can look out my window and see the first “Real” snow falling. I use the quotes because what I’m looking at isn’t mixed with anything – it isn’t …