Introvert Authoring

So today was the last day of ConFusion. The panels are done, the goodbyes have been said (in most cases, I won’t see these people again until next year), and I’m back home. I am exhausted. I don’t mean in a physical sense, although the thought of doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the …

Friday Fess-Up: January 19th

Before I get into anything else, This post is going live on the first day of ConFusion. It’ll be going all weekend. My panel schedule is on the Events page. If you’re in the area, stop by. It’ll be a great time.   I confess that this week hasn’t been the most productive. It isn’t …

One Word After the Other

“I don’t know what to write today.” This is a thing that I sometimes say to myself – especially when it’s true. It’s certainly something that I said to myself when I sat down to put this post together. The thing is that, for me anyway, that’s only ever partially true. If I were to …

ConFusion Panel Schedule

Hi there Everybody! Here is a quick post to let you know about my ConFusion panel schedule. For those of you that don’t know, ConFusionĀ is a Fan-run Science Fiction/Fantasy convention held in Novi, Michigan on the weekend of January 18th through the 21st. This year, the Con will be at the Novi Sheraton. If you’re …

Planning for 2018

I’m finding it hard to believe that we’re only one week into January. I say that because it’s been a busy week. A big part of that is because reality reasserted itself, and I had to make the switch back to “day-job” mode. That takes up a HUGE amount of time, and it puts a …

Friday Fess-Up: January 5th

Welcome to the very first Friday Fess-Up for 2018! I made it just under the midnight deadline, so it still counts as a Friday post, rather than a Saturday something. There’s been a lot going on this past week. First, it’s been REALLY FREAKING COLD!!! Seriously, the air outside hurts my face. That sparked the …

2018: A Look Forward

Welcome to 2018 Everyone, and welcome to the very first blog post of the year. On a Monday, no less. If your various social media feeds are anything like mine, you’re seeing a bunch of posts about goals and resolutions for the new year. I don’t know about resolutions, but I’ve got plenty of goals …

2017: A Look Back

Welcome to the very end of 2017. I slept in this morning. No alarms, nothing to wake me up. It was pretty good. I snuggled with the dog, made an awesome breakfast, and I’m about to get up and grab another cup of coffee – hold on a second… Not a bad way to end …