Trust Yourself

Happy Sunday Everyone! First, I’d like to thanks the folks that came by to hear my reading yesterday at Penguicon. If you weren’t able to make it, you can stop by the Freebies page for an excerpt from the story that I read: “Haven” from the Weird Wild West anthology. This week I wanted to …

Ravencon Recap

Last weekend, I was at Ravencon! I knew I would be getting back much too late to put up a blog post, so I scheduled something ahead of time. That’s efficiency, folks.* Now that I’ve had some time to process** the events of last weekend, I thought I’d put together a recap of the weekend. First …

Friday Fess-Up: April 27th

Happy Friday, Y’All! We made it. Welcome to the final Friday Fess-up for April. This time next week, it’ll be MAY Course here in Michigan, that just means that it might not snow, or get above 45 degrees…or it might hit triple digits. You just never know… Before I get any farther I want to …


Ok, let me just put it right out there up front: I am totally feeling deficient as a writer. I’ve been working on a book since the turn of the year. Truth be told, a little bit before then, but I turned around and did a massive rewrite – yes, I know that’s not what …

Friday Fess-Up: April 20

Happy Friday Everyone! We made it!! Let me start right off with confessing that, regardless of how many of these posts that I’ve done, I ~Still~ have to go back and look at how I formatted the title. Every. Friday. You’d think that I’d have it memorized by now, but I’ve been expanding my power …

Out of (Your) Control

Before I get into today’s post, I want to let you know that my Ravencon schedule is up on the Events page. If you’re going to be out and about in the Williamsburg, VA area next weekend, stop by and say Hi! If you’re a writer, then you know about struggle. If you’re taking a …

Friday Fess-Up: April 13th

Happy Friday Everyone! Here we are, a Friday the 13th Fess-up Post and I confess to being later than usual with this post because it’s been a week…and I’ve felt damn near every second of it. OK, that’s not exactly fair. I did get some discouraging news on Monday, which I’ll go into (somewhat) greater …

Friday Fess-Up: April 6th

Happy Friday, Everyone! Welcome to the inaugural Friday Fess-Up for April. Um…Ironically, there isn’t much for me to fess up to.  If you’ll recall from last week, I was going to do math. Ok, so it wasn’t gratuitous math. I mathed for a purpose. I was going to break down a long term goal into …